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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #25 - Seeing Red

30 is bold.

30 is sexy.

If 30 were a color, it would be red.

Many traditions in groups around the world commemorate occasions by restricting food intake - either completely or by type of food.  One of my favorite holiday examples is Passover.  There is so much symbolism in the Passover meal including dipping bitter herbs in salt water to remember the tears of our ancestors.  In addition, no leaven bread is eaten to remember that the ancient Jews had to flee so quickly, they did not have time to let their bread rise.  By forcing restrictions on one's diet, we can help remember the significance of events.

That's why, for my challenge today, I decided to only eat red foods - all day long.  Every time I look at the "power color" of what I am eating, I will remember that my 30's are going to be fierce.

I told a few people about this challenge and got the reply: you're just going to eat strawberries and tomatoes all day.  So, friends, I have decided to complete this challenge without fresh strawberries or tomatoes.  (But tomato products just cannot be avoided completely)!


 Raspberry Yogurt.  (Yes, I'm also wearing red)!


Wrap: Sundried tomato wrap with roasted red pepper hummus and red bell peppers
Soup: Ok, it's tomato soup, but it's REALLY red


Red grapes, red raspberries, and a red apple

I even turned water red


Red Meat, red pepper, red onion (OK, it looks purple but it's symbolic, people), and ketchup

Cooked together over

Inca red quinoa!

Think this idea is rediculous?

Shhh... that was a reddorkical question.

What do you call a country where everyone drives a red car?  A red carnation.

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