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Friday, January 27, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #22 - A Picture is Worth...

Turning 30 makes me feel a little old; but, I feel pretty darn good.  I don't know what 30 is supposed to look like.  If this is it, I really don't mind.  Taking advice from those who are wiser (read: older) than me, I decided it was a good idea to take some professional pictures so that when I'm doing my 60 for 60, I won't have to say that I didn't appreciate how good it was to still look 30!

I started my day looking like myself.  Just another girl who is 22 days from turning 30.

I've had my hair done before.  And I've had my makeup done before.  I've never had them done at the same time!  I felt like a movie star waiting for my lead role!

Don't Blink, Shaina!

While my hair was setting, I thought it already looked fantastic!

But, when it was let down...

Looking 30 just can't get any better!  So long, 20's!!

I see you.

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