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Monday, January 30, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #19 - Footprints

As I boarded the plane this morning to return to NYC, I was distinctly aware of the large number of airplanes lined up to fly passengers all over the world.

Nearly 60,000 flights land every day, (stating 58,319 flights arrived in the last 24 hours, as of 3:00pm Jan 30, 2012), and the CO2 emitted from each flight has a significant effect on the warming of the planet. (claiming rail transportation cuts CO2 emissions per passenger by 90%...of course, that is a train company stating this proposition).

Turning 30 and taking this 30 for 30 journey is not only about getting in a few last crazy experiences before my birthday; I am taking a look at who I am today and who I want to be in the future.

I've had a wonderful 30 years on this earth and I hope to have another wonderful 30 (and a wonderful 30 after that...and 30 after that?!).  I feel responsible for doing my part to ensure that generations after me can experience their own 30th birthday with the same hope for the planet that I have.

My pledge today is to be carbon neutral for my 30th year and every year after.  Fortunately, The Conservation Fund makes this relatively easy with their "GoZero" calculator.  I put in my information on annual energy consumption (I fly over 20,000 miles per year!  Yikes!  Thankfully we have a Prius!) and out popped my estimated CO2 emissions.

All I had to do was purchase 13 trees to offset my carbon footprint.  How easy is that?!  As a present for my 30th birthday, I wish that all of you will go carbon neutral this year!  "Like" my FB status or comment here if you pledge with me!

I realize not everyone likes hearing or thinking about climate change.

Growing up as the daughter of an ecologist, marine biologist, and climate scientist, I have always been passionate about climate change.  (I recall hearing horror stories as a little girl about greenhouse gases destroying the earth.  Very doomsday.  Thanks, mom.)  Back in 2008, I wrote a guest column for a Palm Beach newspaper encouraging Floridians, as residents of a state with much to lose, to take action.  Ironically, my favorite part of the experience of publishing this column was the hate mail.

For example, this charming gem:
Golfferdie writes:
What a lame example of false advertising. I thought i just read a article in the paper the other day that said the climate went down .7 of a degree, Thats right you tree huggers DOWN .7 of a degree. Dont get me wrong i love trees its just a saying. Yes me spelling is not good but that mean I cant have a educated opinion? Just thought I had say to repond to this one, When I read it this morning I was like what the #@*%$. For those of you who still think we are doing this just research pictures of glaceiers from the late 1800s and early 1900s, and look at the already receeding. Stop thinking Al Gore is right,I lost all respect for the country that gave him that award, Cant recall the award or who gave it remind me please. Thank you.

Or also This one:
buckster71#467434 writes:
To bad she studied law and not science. Then she would have written something that actually made sense.
The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change gives enough information to dispel any doubt — read it. The issue is, simply, no longer “politically motivated.”
What a bunch of nonsense....

And last, but not least - my favorite:

waterview writes:
i am in the smallest room in my house. this article is in front of me. soon it will be behind me.

So, not everyone is a fan of mine.  But, I truly hope more and more people will look at the science and be willing to help work on our collective actions so that our grandchildren can have a great 30 for 30.

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