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Sunday, January 29, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #20 - FIRE!


Fire safety.

30-year-olds are adults and are expected to be responsible.  I really think it's important for all people to understand their surroundings and be prepared for any type of emergency.  Of course, no one knows how they will act when a real emergency happens.  There is a very good chance that I would scream at the top of my lungs and try to run away with my arms flailing.  However, if I can learn a little about what I need to do, there is at least a chance that I can save myself, my family, and my belongings.

Recently, a secretary at my law firm lost everything to a fire.  Though many of us donated money and clothes to help out her family, I cannot imagine the devastation one must feel to not have their stuff!!  A few years ago, one of my closest high school friends had her storage locker with all of her belongings burn down.  I've seen how hard it is, which makes me think we should all do whatever we can to avoid going through it.

If a fire started in my home, I realized that I would have no idea how to stop it.  I don't own a fire extinguisher - and I don't know how to use one.

That's why, today, I stopped by the Boynton Beach Fire Station # 5 to find a fireman to teach me how to extinguish a fire!

The fire lieutenant was happy to help!  Although fire departments (like all public services) are severely underfunded, they found an expired fire extinguisher to teach with.

  He showed me multiple extinguishers on the side of the firetruck that are used for fires caused by different fuel sources.  He agreed that most people have never used an extinguisher and should - especially because the pin usually trips people up.

Some of you might think this was just an excuse to go meet some handsome firemen.  I can assure you that is not the reason why I also brought them a box of chocolates.  ;)

I picked up the heavy extinguisher, and....

I encourage all of you (30 or not) to test out a fire extinguisher, know your exits, and make a plan!  

Practice fire safety!

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