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Thursday, January 26, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #23 - Mile High Birthday!

Nobody likes flying.  Nobody likes strangers.  Lots of people like Matt Lauer.

Today, the combination of those three things led to the  most exhilarating 30 for 30 yet!  I've had today's 30 for 30 idea for a while but haven't told a single person.  Why?  I was sure that I would either chicken out or that I would be turned down.  Instead, I'll be smiling for days...

Today was difficult to plan because I flew down to Florida for the weekend to visit my mom.  There was no time to do anything extraordinary....unless it was on the airplane.

I decided my greatest wish would be... well, I'll let her tell it:

Transcript of the words:
"her greatest wish is to have the entire plane sing the happy birthday song to her.  Because she's writing a blog about it as well.  As part of our celebration for her, we have given her a pair of wings and made her an honorary flight attendant.  The next person picking up trash will be this young lady.  So on the count of three, if everybody could sing happy birthday it would be wonderful.  Ready?  one.. two... three...."

Yes, that was the ENTIRE plane singing happy birthday to ME!  You also heard right, they made me an honorary flight attendant!  After they gave me a free glass of birthday wine and my wings for a badge, I was feeling good enough to walk through the aisles and collect all the garbage.  You might think this is not a fun job, but it was the best!

As we began our descent, the PILOT even came on the loudspeaker and wished me happy birthday!

My favorite flight attendants, Rose and Helene, were so wonderful.  Thanks, Delta for hiring awesome ladies! I also sat next to my two new friends, who helped give me the courage to turn the flight into a birthday party!

What else was it that I said earlier?

Where in the world is Matt Lauer?

He's right here.

He was on my birthday flight!  I poked my head into first class to say hi and he said he was singing to me even from the front of the plane!  He's just as nice as you think he'd be and I even gave him my card with the blog address on it!  Mr. Lauer, are you reading this?


  1. I love that you're doing this, Shaina, and it's great to see what you've been up to lately! Happy birthday in advance! I'm going to follow your lead and take up this tradition for my 30th this summer! xo

  2. Hi Sweetheart!! This WAS a fun flight for you and for all the other passengers BECAUSE you were there. Tell Matt I said hello...I am a fan.

  3. Finally seeing your blog and wanted to say how much fun you made the flight to West Palm! You're awesome and keep the 30 countdown going strong!
