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Monday, September 12, 2011

Flea! Flee?

Everyone's favorite Lebanese Californian came to visit New York this weekend - Jeanice!  To celebrate, we decided to hit hipster-central - the Brooklyn Flea Smorgasboard.  It is a food market where local vendors set up stands on the water in Williamsburg and serve overpriced but good food to the Williamsburgers who can rave about how cheap the superior food is that they're eating.  I overheard a patron raving about her $7 fish taco that is so local it was fished out of the east river.  I wanted to brag to these people that I drove a Prius but stopped myself when I saw someone riding a bicycle with wheels that charged his cell phone so he didn't have to plug it in at home.

Nevertheless, the food, and the company, were great.
The Scene

Jess with Vietnamese Hot Dog

Bun.  MMMMMM. (And brown sugar lemonade).

Bulgogi Hamburger (really, not everything was Vietnamese)

All dressed up.  It was raining.

Speaking of September 11, it was September 10, and New York City was on high alert.  Bridges had check points, planes were scrutinized, and police were out around the city.  With this heightened tension, you can imagine our surprise as we look across the river toward Manhattan and see a building.  on.  fire.  FIRE!

We froze and I could not believe my eyes.  Was it a coincidence or did someone actually pull off another attack?  My hands shook as I pulled out my phone and called my mom who was getting on an airplane.  "Mom, I'm in Brooklyn and everything is OK but I am watching a lot of smoke so I wanted you to know that I love you."

We moved closer to the water as everyone refreshed their phones and tried to find some news article about what was going on.

You already know the end of the story.  It was a transformer fire on the roof of a residential building.  Robots in disguise.

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