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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #18 - Rock sk8

The ice skating rink in Rockefeller center is the most famous in the world.  Although I've walked by it many times, I've never skated there.  In fact, I haven't skated since I was 18 - freshman year of college.

Today is one of those atypical BEAUTIFUL January days in New York.  It's bright and sunny and 50 degrees - perfect for ice skating.  Of course, there was an important decision: do I skate during the day in the sun or at night when it is beautiful and romantic?

I decided I wanted to go during the day and get out of the office.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone who was willing to play hookie with me for an hour.  The new decision became: do I go skating all by myself?

Like most young people (and probably all people), I don't like doing things alone.  I remember getting my first job after college at Disney.  I showed up and did not know a single person in all of Orlando.  I had no one to hang out with, which was a complete shock after 4 years of college living in a sorority house.  Once I went to the movies by myself.  Once I went out for dinner by myself.  As a 22 year old, I was completely uncomfortable being alone and avoided it.

After three weeks in Orlando, I had made some friends to hang out with.  After a couple months, I had a solid group of friends.  After a year, I had developed life-long friendships.

I decided a party of one was fine by me - and I went to skate in the nice weather!

Where's waldo?

Skating towards the camera!

I even made a video!

What a fun date I am!

Monday, January 30, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #19 - Footprints

As I boarded the plane this morning to return to NYC, I was distinctly aware of the large number of airplanes lined up to fly passengers all over the world.

Nearly 60,000 flights land every day, (stating 58,319 flights arrived in the last 24 hours, as of 3:00pm Jan 30, 2012), and the CO2 emitted from each flight has a significant effect on the warming of the planet. (claiming rail transportation cuts CO2 emissions per passenger by 90%...of course, that is a train company stating this proposition).

Turning 30 and taking this 30 for 30 journey is not only about getting in a few last crazy experiences before my birthday; I am taking a look at who I am today and who I want to be in the future.

I've had a wonderful 30 years on this earth and I hope to have another wonderful 30 (and a wonderful 30 after that...and 30 after that?!).  I feel responsible for doing my part to ensure that generations after me can experience their own 30th birthday with the same hope for the planet that I have.

My pledge today is to be carbon neutral for my 30th year and every year after.  Fortunately, The Conservation Fund makes this relatively easy with their "GoZero" calculator.  I put in my information on annual energy consumption (I fly over 20,000 miles per year!  Yikes!  Thankfully we have a Prius!) and out popped my estimated CO2 emissions.

All I had to do was purchase 13 trees to offset my carbon footprint.  How easy is that?!  As a present for my 30th birthday, I wish that all of you will go carbon neutral this year!  "Like" my FB status or comment here if you pledge with me!

I realize not everyone likes hearing or thinking about climate change.

Growing up as the daughter of an ecologist, marine biologist, and climate scientist, I have always been passionate about climate change.  (I recall hearing horror stories as a little girl about greenhouse gases destroying the earth.  Very doomsday.  Thanks, mom.)  Back in 2008, I wrote a guest column for a Palm Beach newspaper encouraging Floridians, as residents of a state with much to lose, to take action.  Ironically, my favorite part of the experience of publishing this column was the hate mail.

For example, this charming gem:
Golfferdie writes:
What a lame example of false advertising. I thought i just read a article in the paper the other day that said the climate went down .7 of a degree, Thats right you tree huggers DOWN .7 of a degree. Dont get me wrong i love trees its just a saying. Yes me spelling is not good but that mean I cant have a educated opinion? Just thought I had say to repond to this one, When I read it this morning I was like what the #@*%$. For those of you who still think we are doing this just research pictures of glaceiers from the late 1800s and early 1900s, and look at the already receeding. Stop thinking Al Gore is right,I lost all respect for the country that gave him that award, Cant recall the award or who gave it remind me please. Thank you.

Or also This one:
buckster71#467434 writes:
To bad she studied law and not science. Then she would have written something that actually made sense.
The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change gives enough information to dispel any doubt — read it. The issue is, simply, no longer “politically motivated.”
What a bunch of nonsense....

And last, but not least - my favorite:

waterview writes:
i am in the smallest room in my house. this article is in front of me. soon it will be behind me.

So, not everyone is a fan of mine.  But, I truly hope more and more people will look at the science and be willing to help work on our collective actions so that our grandchildren can have a great 30 for 30.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #20 - FIRE!


Fire safety.

30-year-olds are adults and are expected to be responsible.  I really think it's important for all people to understand their surroundings and be prepared for any type of emergency.  Of course, no one knows how they will act when a real emergency happens.  There is a very good chance that I would scream at the top of my lungs and try to run away with my arms flailing.  However, if I can learn a little about what I need to do, there is at least a chance that I can save myself, my family, and my belongings.

Recently, a secretary at my law firm lost everything to a fire.  Though many of us donated money and clothes to help out her family, I cannot imagine the devastation one must feel to not have their stuff!!  A few years ago, one of my closest high school friends had her storage locker with all of her belongings burn down.  I've seen how hard it is, which makes me think we should all do whatever we can to avoid going through it.

If a fire started in my home, I realized that I would have no idea how to stop it.  I don't own a fire extinguisher - and I don't know how to use one.

That's why, today, I stopped by the Boynton Beach Fire Station # 5 to find a fireman to teach me how to extinguish a fire!

The fire lieutenant was happy to help!  Although fire departments (like all public services) are severely underfunded, they found an expired fire extinguisher to teach with.

  He showed me multiple extinguishers on the side of the firetruck that are used for fires caused by different fuel sources.  He agreed that most people have never used an extinguisher and should - especially because the pin usually trips people up.

Some of you might think this was just an excuse to go meet some handsome firemen.  I can assure you that is not the reason why I also brought them a box of chocolates.  ;)

I picked up the heavy extinguisher, and....

I encourage all of you (30 or not) to test out a fire extinguisher, know your exits, and make a plan!  

Practice fire safety!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #21 - Motorcycle Chick!

When I tell people about my 30 for 30 challenge, one of the first suggestions is always skydiving.  People who suggest this clearly do not know me very well.  Although I looooooove rollercoasters, I'm kind of a chicken.  I think skydiving is pretty much off the list for me forever.

However, there are three fairly commonplace experiences that I have never had because, frankly, I've always been too terrified.  These experiences are riding in a helicopter, scuba diving, and riding a motorcycle.  These things have always appealed to me in some way, though I've never had the nerve to actually attempt them.  (This is unlike skydiving, which sounds like a terrible experience where I would probably throw up and pass out.  I'd probably be the first sky diver to ever die from choking on her own vomit).

Anyway, during my 30 for 30, I decided I had to step it up and face one of these big time fears!  I called my cousin Jerry, who teaches a motorcycle safety class!  A lot of what stopped me from getting on a bike before was that I never trusted the people who offered to give me a ride.  Fortunately, Jerry was there and I completely trusted the driver!

He came to pick me up.  "Call me when you get here," I told him.  "Don't worry," he replied, "you'll hear me first.

I got on my motor-chick gear (leather jacket; jeans; boots); he even brought me a sweet white helmet!

 I ignored the knot in the pit of my stomach, and grabbed the handle bars.  I totally knew what to do - I win every time at Dave & Busters!  Jerry laughed at me and taught me some of the first motorcycle safety tips!   1. Get on from the left side!  The exhaust pipe is on the right and gets super hot!  2. Always hold the brakes when stopped.  3. I'm the passenger - never put my feet on the ground.

I was very good at following directions.

We were off!

I was nervous, but excited as we drove out of the parking lot.  All of a sudden, we turned and we were on a road with real cars!  Woo hoo!  We turned down a side street and accelerated!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!  Weeeee Weeee WEEEEEEEE!!!!!  I was basically the Geico pig (anyone see that commercial?) as we weaved onto different streets.  

Left in the light.... returned in the night.  :)  Time to buy a Harley?

Friday, January 27, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #22 - A Picture is Worth...

Turning 30 makes me feel a little old; but, I feel pretty darn good.  I don't know what 30 is supposed to look like.  If this is it, I really don't mind.  Taking advice from those who are wiser (read: older) than me, I decided it was a good idea to take some professional pictures so that when I'm doing my 60 for 60, I won't have to say that I didn't appreciate how good it was to still look 30!

I started my day looking like myself.  Just another girl who is 22 days from turning 30.

I've had my hair done before.  And I've had my makeup done before.  I've never had them done at the same time!  I felt like a movie star waiting for my lead role!

Don't Blink, Shaina!

While my hair was setting, I thought it already looked fantastic!

But, when it was let down...

Looking 30 just can't get any better!  So long, 20's!!

I see you.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #23 - Mile High Birthday!

Nobody likes flying.  Nobody likes strangers.  Lots of people like Matt Lauer.

Today, the combination of those three things led to the  most exhilarating 30 for 30 yet!  I've had today's 30 for 30 idea for a while but haven't told a single person.  Why?  I was sure that I would either chicken out or that I would be turned down.  Instead, I'll be smiling for days...

Today was difficult to plan because I flew down to Florida for the weekend to visit my mom.  There was no time to do anything extraordinary....unless it was on the airplane.

I decided my greatest wish would be... well, I'll let her tell it:

Transcript of the words:
"her greatest wish is to have the entire plane sing the happy birthday song to her.  Because she's writing a blog about it as well.  As part of our celebration for her, we have given her a pair of wings and made her an honorary flight attendant.  The next person picking up trash will be this young lady.  So on the count of three, if everybody could sing happy birthday it would be wonderful.  Ready?  one.. two... three...."

Yes, that was the ENTIRE plane singing happy birthday to ME!  You also heard right, they made me an honorary flight attendant!  After they gave me a free glass of birthday wine and my wings for a badge, I was feeling good enough to walk through the aisles and collect all the garbage.  You might think this is not a fun job, but it was the best!

As we began our descent, the PILOT even came on the loudspeaker and wished me happy birthday!

My favorite flight attendants, Rose and Helene, were so wonderful.  Thanks, Delta for hiring awesome ladies! I also sat next to my two new friends, who helped give me the courage to turn the flight into a birthday party!

What else was it that I said earlier?

Where in the world is Matt Lauer?

He's right here.

He was on my birthday flight!  I poked my head into first class to say hi and he said he was singing to me even from the front of the plane!  He's just as nice as you think he'd be and I even gave him my card with the blog address on it!  Mr. Lauer, are you reading this?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #24 - ReLIT

Browsing around for NYC volunteer opportunities, I ran across this wanted description: "We welcome anyone who shares our passion for reading, recycling and helping their community. And yes, having a loud voice and being outgoing helps, since much of what we do is interact with the public"

I like reading!  I like recycling!  I like helping my community!  ReLIT is a non profit that really just wants to help people get more books.

There are book drop centers at whole foods around manhattan and ReLIT picks them up and once a month gives them away for free at busy street corners. There is no catch. The books are free an they are all different genres. I have to admit I was a little nervous that I would show up and it would be a group handing out fundamentalist literature. Instead we handed out books on philosophy, Moby Dick, Dostoyevsky in Swedish, and David was awesome.

You're probably surprised that given my rose experience I was again willing to subject myself to passing out free things on the streets of new York.

It seems like free books would get a different reaction and attract a different audience than free roses. Unfortunately, yelling free books still makes people suspicious and angry. Once a crowd of people gathered around the books and started getting excited, it was much easier to pull people in.

Apparently telling someone you will give them something nice for free doesn't excite them as much as seeing other people crowded around an area. What if there was a dead baby people were crowded around? Would you rather see that than read a novel?  I'm not sure how many of these people would answer that question.

The organization does have non profit status so all donations are tax deductible. Right now, the woman who started the organization pays for everything out of pocket. I would definitely like to help fundraise. They need money for storage units to store the books and for renting cars to transport the books to the street hubs. 

Anyone have any ideas?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #25 - Seeing Red

30 is bold.

30 is sexy.

If 30 were a color, it would be red.

Many traditions in groups around the world commemorate occasions by restricting food intake - either completely or by type of food.  One of my favorite holiday examples is Passover.  There is so much symbolism in the Passover meal including dipping bitter herbs in salt water to remember the tears of our ancestors.  In addition, no leaven bread is eaten to remember that the ancient Jews had to flee so quickly, they did not have time to let their bread rise.  By forcing restrictions on one's diet, we can help remember the significance of events.

That's why, for my challenge today, I decided to only eat red foods - all day long.  Every time I look at the "power color" of what I am eating, I will remember that my 30's are going to be fierce.

I told a few people about this challenge and got the reply: you're just going to eat strawberries and tomatoes all day.  So, friends, I have decided to complete this challenge without fresh strawberries or tomatoes.  (But tomato products just cannot be avoided completely)!


 Raspberry Yogurt.  (Yes, I'm also wearing red)!


Wrap: Sundried tomato wrap with roasted red pepper hummus and red bell peppers
Soup: Ok, it's tomato soup, but it's REALLY red


Red grapes, red raspberries, and a red apple

I even turned water red


Red Meat, red pepper, red onion (OK, it looks purple but it's symbolic, people), and ketchup

Cooked together over

Inca red quinoa!

Think this idea is rediculous?

Shhh... that was a reddorkical question.

What do you call a country where everyone drives a red car?  A red carnation.

Monday, January 23, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #26 - A Real Review

In 26 days I'm turning 30 and I've never really been reviewed.

Sure, I've gotten formal feedback on how I did at internships.  But, I've never sat down in a room with my bosses and received feedback on how I'm performing in a permanent position.  I've never really gotten a raise.  And, I've never gotten a bonus.

Although I had no choice but to get reviewed today, there's really nothing I could have planned that would have had as big an effect on me as this.

It should not have been scary, but my stomach has been knotted up for weeks.

Like many of you, I've always been a self doubter.  I can know something is right, but if someone tells me with extreme confidence that 2 + 2 = 5, I take a long moment to really think about whether I'm wrong.

At school and at work, I never feel confident about how others perceive me and my work product without immediately getting a paper handed back with an "A" written on it.  I am a typical Echo Boomer.  (The name given to the generation born to baby boomers - also known as Gen Y or Millenials).  I have received this type of feedback my whole life, and as CTS Consulting writes, "This unique form of attention has had a profound effect on the Echo Boomers in two significant areas. One is their level of confidence. These are a group of people pleasers. Their whole lives have been centered around pleasing adults: their parents, their teachers and their coaches. They have grown up being continually watched, graded, ranked, and evaluated. They are an externally defined generation and many of them have typical little idea of how to listen to their own voices."

So, how does this affect us Echo Boomers at work?  "With this as a background, what should you expect when [Echo Boomers] come to work? Not surprisingly, typical Echo Boomers will expect to have an impact right away. They want lots of positive feedback and think keeping lines of communication open is very important."

So, now that I have spent 1 1/3 years at my job without receiving a paper with a grade on it, I'm expected to sit in a room and have people tell me how they think I've done.  For someone who likes immediate feedback, particularly when it comes as praise, I've been horrified just thinking about it.

Now that I've survived, I have a better understanding of a new goal to work on in my 30's: be confident.

My 30's should be the best time of my life.  Confidence in myself when I use my best judgment will let me be a happier person.  Today I've learned that it's ok that nobody pats me on the back every time I hand in work...they actually like me anyway!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #27 - Staten Island Girl

Staten Island.  A place made of mystery and the world's largest landfill, which can be seen from space.  (Not kidding).

Although technically part of New York City, I've managed to never ever go there.  This means I have also never taken the famous Staten Island ferry.  I figured this all was a must so I put a plan together to grab some friends, take the ferry, and eat at the #1 restaurant on Staten Island!

What's the catch?  Well, if we're going to Staten Island, I figured we may as well look like we belong.  (Idea courtesy of Kelly Gold).  So, everyone's assignment was to dress as if you were from Staten Island.  

I realize stereotypes are not only bad, but they are also not true.  Most people from Staten Island do not dress and act similarly to the cast of Jersey Shore.  Most people from Staten Island do not wear too much makeup or fist bump.  Most people from Staten Island are not worth dressing up as.

However, others are.  I decided to take inspiration from the "Staten Island Girls" spinoff of Katy Perry's "California Girls":
Staten Island girls
We’re recognizable
Orange skin
With black hair on top
Never leave the house without our bronzer

Steps to pulling off my Staten Island Girl look:
1. Put on more makeup than you are comfortable with.  Then add extra bronzer.
2. Put on a North Face jacket.
3. Put on a hair accessory that bumps your hair.
4. Put on as many accessories as you can from brand names such as Burberry, Coach, Gucci, LV.

It's quite simple, and I learned all of it from the internet!

Once you have the look, you gotta get the look.  Apparently, Staten Island girls are HARD.

 Being HARD

"So, Shaina, how was the ferry?!"

I'm glad you asked.  The ferry was absolutely awesome.  It's totally free, huge, and you get to boat right next to the Statue of Liberty!

There's actually a lot to see from the ferry!  Some German tourists next to us pointed to a giant white slope and asked, "Is that Aspen?"  Hmmmmm....  "Aspen, Colorado?" we asked.  (Then a hippie wearing a parka popped out of nowhere to ask who was from Aspen, Colorado.  Weird).  "That?" The hippie asked, "That's Jersey!"  "NEW JERSEY?!"  The German asked, quite excited.  "Ain't no other Jerz." The hippie stated.

And that's the truth.

"So, Shaina, how was the food?!"

I'm glad you asked.  The food was fantastic!  We went to Beso - The #1 restaurant on Staten Island according to Trip Advisor.

It was delicious Spanish Tapas, Sangria, and a great androgynous Spanish guitar player.  Seriously, if you are visiting New York, or live here and have guests - it is completely worth taking the ferry and having lunch at this restaurant.

I'm gonna say it.

I ♥ Staten Island

"The Band"

Saturday, January 21, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #28 - Sugar Ray Shaina

I still remember getting the email about the creation of an Emory boxing club.  It seemed hysterical, but of course I wanted to join.  After the first workout, I was hooked.

By the way, that TOTALLY was not a quote from me.  The actual Emory club fizzled rather quickly, but I was not about to give up.  I began training at the women's classes instead of the co-ed Emory class.  I LOVE both my trainers, Terri and Biggs!

Mike and I even got to be in a photo shoot for the Atlanta Corporate Fight Night event!

Apparently Mike's picture has even been stolen and used on some Venezuelan boxing site!

How does this all relate to my 30th birthday?  Well, I've lived in New York now for a year and a half and still haven't found a boxing gym.  This was the perfect opportunity to force myself to put on the gloves and get ready to hit some bags.

Church Street Boxing Gym it was!

It was a good thing I had some boxing experience because I could hardly understand a word our trainer said.  I just smiled and he giggled and somehow my jabs connected to his pads.  Now I'm quite happy and ready to add boxing back in to my regularly scheduled activities!