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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I like art but I don't usually get art.  Strangely enough, it's usually the art that I don't get that I like the most.  Why?  I mean, anyone can draw a picture of a person or a house or flowers.  But what kind of crazy people think to take a toilet seat, smash it up into tiny pieces and then use it to make a mosaic of a dinner plate?  (OK, I just thought of that).

The Guggenheim always intrigued me as a place where they might show art that I found interesting.  If you've ever been to the museum, you know that it is a continuous, circular, winding path.  Generally, the special exhibits are on the walls and one can walk past them all in the spiral.  This weekend, they had a show by Maurizio Cattelan, who chose to leave all the walls blank.  Instead, he hung his art piece from the ceiling in the center of the room.

This art was wacky.  It was political, it was humorous, it was edgy...I didn't get it at all.  But, I LOVED IT!  Some of my favorite pieces that made me smile included:

The pope hit by a meteor

A bird on a bird on a cat on a dog on a donkey

A bird on a bird (the other kind of bird).

One of the more edgy and shocking pieces included an elephant in a white sheet

The entire exhibit had subtle details that made it really neat.  There was an elevator bank with a bird outside - the elevators actually opened and closed every five minutes.  There were men in business suits in coffins; there was Pinnochio; there was a large number of dead horses; there was a topless woman.

Here is the view from the top

If you want to know more, you'll just have to go see it!  Also, if you have any idea about the deep meaning of it all, feel free to let me know.

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