I'm not quite as bad as a friend who was convinced to give $20 to a lady on the street who was out of gas and needed to get somewhere. (This is New York, people! We have subways that can get you anywhere)!
I take that back. I am that bad. Even worse. When I am feeling vulnerable, I get convinced to buy things that I don't necessarily need/want. I had one of these horrible experiences a few months ago walking home on a Friday evening when I was approached by an attractive young woman who began complimenting me on my hair and coat. I was flattered.
Was she sincere? Of course not. She began to tell me about a great deal that she was able to give to only 25 women and she had picked me. I listened to her offer of a $60 package that included a hair cut, blow out, manicure, massage, facial, style consult, wax, and a pony. It sounded like a great deal, what was the catch? "None," she said. "Great, thank you". I said.
Oh. I had to buy it then and there on the spot. I had to buy a cardboard flyer for $60 that would supposedly get me all of these things at a 5-star salon. I was disappointed but said no thank you. As I turned to walk away, one of her associates approached me from my clear exit path. "It's really a great deal," she said. I was still holding onto the brochure, as no one was accepting it as I tried to hand it back. I turned to go back the way I came, and a man with an iphone credit card machine closed off my last free exit. "Don't worry," he said slowly, "we take credit cards." At this moment I began to panic. I was blocked off by three people who wouldn't let me leave, I was holding the pamphlet they wanted me to buy, and had no one to save me but American Express. And they did.
So, when I was called on the phone with a "great deal" offer for discounted tickets to Broadway shows, why did I jump at the chance? Why wasn't I more guarded? More cynical? More rude? I'm not sure, but the short ending to a long story is that I purchased $400 worth of tickets to Brodway shows I had never heard of.
HOWEVER, in hindsight, was this a bad move? Survey says no. Last night, I saw the first of three plays called, "Don't Dress for Dinner." Was it the best show I have ever seen? No. But, it had a cute story, good acting, and nice seats! After our great time at Wicked, my office mate, Kim, decided to come with me!
The story is set in France and is about lovers, mistresses, and mix-ups.
When you live somewhere that has something great, you sometimes forget to take advantage of it. (I know lots of you in Hawaii that haven't been to the beach in 6 months)! Broadway is one of my favorite things about New York and I am on my way to taking advantage of the multiple plays all around me. What will you take better advantage of?