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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A different type of birthday!

I'll get to letting everyone know how the big 30th birthday party went.

But, first, I wanted to wish a happy 100th birthday to my Gung Gung (that's Chinese for grandpa - because I am clearly Chinese, that is what I called him).

He passed away a couple years ago - but we always told him we would celebrate his 100th!

There we are!  He was almost exactly 70 when I was born.  

100 years is pretty incredible - he was born in 1912, the year the Titanic sailed!  While the story of the Titanic is pretty incredible, my Gung Gung had a pretty incredible life of his own.  When I was growing up, I chose to write my school report on him.  Today, I write a blog about him.

Growing Up
My Grandfather was born in Nuremberg, Germany at a time very hostile to Jews.  He came from an extremely poor family and remembers having nothing but a potato to eat in an entire week.  He was fortunate enough to come to America when he was only 9 years old.  He sailed on the Susquehanna in 1921 bound for Ellis Island.  Of course, the ship ran aground in Boston, which became his port of entry.  He remembers disembarking the ship and hearing his very first words of English.  "One Side!"  The ship workers screamed at the immigrants who were crowding the walkways.  "One Side!"  He repeated and smiled.

Meeting my Grandma
My Grandparents were both musicians throughout their entire life.  My Grandmother played the violin (at Carnegie Hall!) and was a music teacher.  My Grandpa played the french horn, harmonica, and drums (he was even in a rock band and had a stage name - Marty "White"...I guess Marty "Schneebalg" didn't have that rock star ring to it).  When my Grandmother was only 17, my Grandpa saw her sitting on a rock by a lake playing the harmonica.  He got very excited and said to his brother, "There's a girl by the lake!  She plays a terrible harmonica, but she sure is beautiful!"

New York Living
As much as I complain about New York, this is where my family started!  My Grandfather became a dress cutter.  Until the day he died, he could tie the perfect bow!  I always used to ask him to tie the bows on my dresses and I loved receiving presents wrapped with his touch.  He liked living in New York in the Lower East Side and the Bronx.  He even won the New York City 50 yard dash and was congratulated by a world famous runner.  Of course, my Grandmother's parents did not like having a poor dress cutter courting their young daughter.  They moved to Florida to get away from him.  He followed.

A Flying Career
Once in Miami, my Grandpa became a mechanic for Pan American Airlines.  He maintained the planes and painted them.  He loved planes and always wanted me to be a pilot - we even have an old wooden propeller from those days.  Working for an airline had great benefits including free stand by travel to Hawaii!  I was glad I got to see my Grandparents so often despite living far away.  Of course, I remember many times we would say goodbye to them and have a mini cry fest only to have them bumped off the plane.  Then we'd have to do our goodbyes over again the next night.  This could go on for weeks.

A Chicken Story
My favorite memory of my Grandpa was when I was about 10 years old.  My mom was away and he was home taking care of me.  On my way to Japanese class after school, a woman stopped me and asked if I liked Chickens.  Of course I said yes.  She handed me a box and walked quickly away.  In the box was a baby chicken!!  I brought it home to my Grandpa and asked if I could keep it.  He didn't know what my mom would say so he said yes.  We fed it creamed corn and it pooped all over the carpet that night.  (My chicken, "peep" turned into a really cute  rooster and would crow at 5am until my neighbors stole it and ate it).

Oh, the Irony
My Grandpa lost contact with a lot of his family that stayed in New York.  It used to be very hard to keep in touch.  But, the internet fixed that.  Once day when my uncle was googling my Grandpa, a different Martin Schneebalg popped up.  There's ANOTHER Martin Schneebalg?!  Thinking it a bizarre coincidence, we contacted him.  It took throwing out only a few names to realize he was related!!  Martin Schneebalg #2 opened up a whole world of family we had never known.  He even came down to Florida and got to meet my Grandpa right before he died.

Happy 100th birthday, Gung Gung!  I love you and miss you!

Friday, February 17, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #1 - Surround Yourself

It's the eve before my 30th birthday, and nothing could possibly make me happier than surrounding myself with my friends and family, which is exactly what I did.

We should all surround ourselves with the ones we love as often as possible.  I am so fortunate to have everyone I love either with me tonight or with me in spirit.  Every single one of you who has read any of my 30 for 30 experiences has helped make this birthday so special to me!

A special birthday party!

Special thanks to George for the BEAUTIFUL lei from Hawaii!  You were missed!

I will post more pictures later and let everyone know about all of the fun Disney experiences!  Thanks again!  T-1.5 hours!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #2 - Play!

I don't care how old I get - I'm never too old to play!

One of the worst parts about being an adult is forgetting how to just play.  Kids seem to have a good time wherever they go.  They are always making up games and laughing until they can't breathe.  Adults like to just sit around and have conversations.  Sometimes we have to force ourselves to play like kids again.

So, to play like a kid today, I insisted that we go mini golfing!  In a fun kid-like situation, it's easy to act like a kid and!
Taking a dive off the diving board!!

We went to the winter summerland golf course and played on the summer course.  We went over bridges and through sand castles!  We golfed over a sleeping Santa and around a melting frosty the snowman!

We played boys vs. girls...  The boys were really upset that we all beat them ;)  If only Chad wasn't a professional golfer...

Daddy got a hole in one!

We will always be goofy girls!

I'm the queen of the castle!!     

Not only kids can play!  Even grandmas can!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #3 - In Memoriam

27 days ago I took on the challenge of doing something new or fun or wacky every day for the 30 days until I reach 30.  Today, instead, I took the day to remember a great friend's dear mother who has passed.  She is very much loved and will always be in my thoughts.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #4 - It's a leap year

To celebrate that 2012 has a February 29, I didn't propose to my man, but I took him out for valentines day!  

I've always been very adamant that a man plan a valentines day dinner and celebration, but this year to celebrate my becoming an adult and with the excuse of it being a leap year, I did all of the planning and the paying for our valentine's celebration.

Of course, I can talk a big game, but I got a pretty sweet pair of diamond earrings out of the deal.  :)

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #5 - Let's talk about sex

Okay, okay, don't get too excited.

Tonight, the night before valentines day, I attended an event with everyone's favorite sex therapist, Dr. Ruth!

Dr. Ruth Westheimer has a new book out, Sexually Speaking: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Sexual Health.  Tonight she and a group of gynecologists got together for a wine and cheese and question and answer session.

Dr. Ruth is as much of a riot in real life as she is on the radio.  Of course, all questions lead her back to sex.  She did tell a funny story about her husband who really liked Diane Sawyer.  Diane had come to her house for a visit and the first question she asked Dr. Ruth was, "Dr. Ruth, how is your sex life?"  Before she was able to answer, her husband piped in, "The shoemaker's children have no shoes!"

In her book, she discusses important women's health issues such as finding the right gynecologist and planning to avoid pregnancy or be healthy during pregnancy.  She obviously puts a fun spin on topics that are important but often make people blush.

She's only 4'7!  I'm actually sitting down in this picture!

Thanks, Dr. Ruth, for bringing these conversations into the main stream!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #6 - Begging for Beginners

All who live or travel through New York City will undoubtedly encounter the panhandlers, beggars, and homeless people on the streets.  Though varying in levels of sympathy and entertainment, you cannot turn a corner or ride the subway without one of these confrontations.

In all other cities where I have lived, I have taken a generally strong stance against giving anyone money on the streets.  My strongest reasoning was that it promotes people to continue to hang out in those locations, keeping them from seeking out shelters and making it feel less safe.  New York is a whole different ball game.  There are too many people in need for the shelters to take them all.  There are always people on the streets, so a beggar does not make it feel less safe.  And, since begging is a way of life, it is not going anywhere.  So, since I have moved to New York, my stance has become quite different.  I usually give $1 to about 70% of the people who ask me for money.  I also pay attention to them more.  I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to have to ask people for money on the streets or in the subway.

So instead of imagining...I tried it.

You should watch the video, but here is my script:  Attention ladies and gentlemen, please pardon the interruption.  I'm not hungry, I'm not homeless, but I'm turning 30 years old.  As part of my celebration, I am participating in a number of charity events.  Today I am raising money for New York Coalition for the homeless, for which I have already raised over $600.  I am raising this money today in a way to gain an understanding of what some people must go through every day.  So if you have any small amount to give, I will be matching every penny and can assure you it is going to a good place.

It was terrifying.  Some people were pleasant, others were not, but the whole experience is definitely traumatic.  People who must do this because they are truly in need are in extremely difficult circumstances.  I feel good about each dollar I've given.

Strangely enough, people were actually willing to give me money!

I made $10, which I will happily match and add to the pool that I have already collected.

If you find this whole thing uncomfortably awkward, know that I am not showing the tape of one train car that I was in when, as soon as I began my speech, the conductor came over the loud speaker to announce that the 7 train was not running.  I, of course, paused in politeness to let the conductor finish.  Perhaps this made me seem less sincere because no one in that car gave me anything.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #7 - Spa

Sometimes you just need a day to chill.

I always have a lot of tension in my back that does not feel good.  One of my new year's resolutions for 2011 was to get one massage per month.  I had failed by March.

Pampering ourselves is something so special that makes us feel so good, yet most of us just don't have the time for it.  While having a spa day is certainly not new to me, it's something I want to do more often in my 30s.

As I let my masseuse rub my shoulders, he told me how many knots were in my back.  "How can I get rid of them?"  I asked.  "You can't," he stated, "they're emotional knots from too much stress."  Thanks.

We all have too much stress and too little pampering.  Let's change that!

Rosemary, Julia, and me getting massages and mani/pedis.

My feet are red, Julia's are blue,
30 is sweet and so are you!

Friday, February 10, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #8 - She flies through the air

When explaining what 30 for 30 is about, I usually mention that it is a chance to force myself to do things that I've always been meaning to do.  When I mentioned this to a coworker, she said, "I've always wanted to go to trapeze school!  Do you want to do that with me?!"  "Sure!" I exclaimed out of excitement.

When she left the room I realized what I had just agreed to.  A trapeze?  Like in the AIR?  


Let me tell you a little bit about what is going on in this picture.  I'll start with trapeze school in general - it's held in a giant tent in pretty much the sketchiest neighborhood in all of Manhattan.  They give you a quick instruction and then expect you to just jump off a super duper high platform.

Just standing around on the ground, my hands were sweating profusely.  I realized there was no way I would be able to hold onto something so I began dipping my hands in chalk.  Instead of drying out my hands, the chalk began clumping because there were now pools of sweat popping up everywhere from my palms to my fingers.  How do you even sweat out of your fingertips?  I continued dumping my hands in the chalk and ended up with white dust all over my black outfit and particles in lungs that are still irritating me.

Climbing up the 30 foot ladder, my whole body was shaking.  At the top of the platform, I could only look at the ceiling.  They warned us that the trapeze would feel really heavy, but as I grabbed it with my right hand, I truly felt as if I was going to fall.  My foot cramped and I didn't think I could do it.  Then i realized the fastest way out of my situation was to jump.

I will not subject you to the video of me screaming my lungs out.  They called me the class screamer.  With tears in my eyes, I rolled off the net and swore I wouldn't go again.  But I did.

That's right!  A BACKFLIP!  Woo hoo.

Now, if you really want to be impressed with me.  Check out how rad my skills were by the end of the class.

I'm really not exaggerating when I say the whole experience was one of the most terrifying of my life.  I don't think I will be going back to trapeze school any time soon.  But hey, I did it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #9 - Imagine

Today I imagined a better world.

It's a lot harder than John Lennon makes it sound.

Truth is, the world is difficult.  Those closest to us are suffering and those farthest from us are suffering.  There is so much devastation that happens without being instigated by humans.  I'm sure John Lennon saw this, which is why he was puzzled that there could be war and anger among people.  There's enough bad in the world without us adding to it.  So I will imagine that the world could be a place where we could all love each other - not just on our birthdays - not just when we're grieving - but at all times.

For a little inspiration, I went this morning to Strawberry Fields in Central Park to visit the Imagine mosaic tribute to John Lennon.

Imagine has become one of my favorite songs.  So much so, that I learned to play it on the piano.  I performed it tonight in tribute.

So, I'm not superstitious, but I am also not one to let a coincidence go unnoticed.  Tonight I got home after going to the imagine mosaic, I recorded imagine on the piano, and then I opened my mail.  I have never before received a solicitation for donations to the Central Park Conservancy.  Why is this a coincidence?  Because with a $100 donation, they will send me a copy of "Strawberry Fields: Central Park's Memorial to John Lennon." by Sara Cedar Miller.  What the what??  I've never received a solicitation from them - how did they even find me?  Why today?  Needless to say, I will be donating.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You, you may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Yes I laid down on it.  No, he's not actually buried there.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #10 - A little help from my friends

Where would I be without the help of those with experience?

At my job, I rely heavily on more senior associates for questions from "how do I organize this memo?" to "how do I tell a partner I think I screwed up?"

In law school, I relied on my student mentor to teach me how to write an exam.  At Disney, I relied on my boss/mentors to teach me how to handle my workload and when I should ask questions.

My whole life, I have succeeded at things because those who already knew what they were doing were willing to take the time to help me.  I have had great mentors at every stage of my life, and I know I would not be where I am without every one of them.

My first 30 years were filled with time as either a student, intern, or inexperienced employee.  Finally, I am in a position where I actually have something to offer.

Carolina, the sister of a friend, is a first year law student.  She's super smart, super hard-working, and really fun to be around.  So, when she asked for some advice about law school in general, I jumped at the chance to mentor her.

Today we had our first real mentoring session.  We went over legal research and writing as well as other law school issues.  I recall always being so thankful that someone would take the time to sit down and discuss my problems with me.  Today I realized, I'm just as thankful to have someone ask me questions and listen to my advice!

I definitely think we make a good mentor/mentee pair, and I hope she feels the same.  For my next 30 years, I think it is important to seek out opportunities to mentor those who are in positions that I am familiar with.  Now, I just have to find someone to mentor me on how to be a mentor!  Oy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #11 - Pouring one out

Could I complete 30 days of new experiences without the obligatory "bartending"?

Sure couldn't.

Tonight, I finally mixed a real drink at a real bar!  I might add that it was delicious.

Fortunately, a friend from work knows the owner of a bar who was graciously willing to let me live out yet another 30 for 30 dream.  If you're in the East Village, you should definitely check out The Wren for some awesome drinks, gastropub food (spicy beef jerkey), and AMAZING bartenders (not just me).

The cocktail I chose to make for my 30s was called a black and blue.

Yep, it started with two scoops of blueberry jam!  Then I added the small part of the small measurer of lime juice.

Then I added a big thing and a medium thing of some delicious type of alcohol.  I added 6 ice cubes and then I got to...

shake shake shake!  Of course, I had to top it off with a splash of soda.  So, bartending is actually a lot harder than it looks!  There are so many parts involved in just making one drink - I couldn't keep it straight.  I definitely remembered to tip my bartender well ;)

Bottom's up.

This one's for you, L.

Monday, February 6, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #12 - Goddard do the right thing

Though all people should do their best to help their community, lawyers have a particular responsibility to provide no-cost legal services to those who cannot otherwise afford them.

Today, I participated in a pro-bono clinic at the Goddard Senior Center.  (Yes, I love puns).  Lawyers who participate in this clinic perform intake functions for seniors who have legal questions or needs.  Frequently, seniors need help with writing wills or have questions about housing or government benefits.  In addition to the legal services, I think the seniors like having someone to talk to who will listen to their problems.

My favorite interaction from today was a man who, although he was there to ask for legal assistance, wanted to discuss the movie "12 Angry Men."  He was so excited that I had seen it and wanted to know when and under what circumstances.  "I want to learn how to bend the law, but not break it!"  He exclaimed as he laughed.

This was in stark contrast to the senior who stated that it should be required for all young people to visit nursing homes and hospital wings for the elderly.  As a child of a geriatric physician and someone who saw the decline of her aging grandparents, I understand what a different life many seniors have.

"If young people saw these things," he stated, "we might actually have hope for peace in the world."

I'm thankful for the ability to provide a service to a demographic that truly needs it.  Now, go call your grandma.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #13 - Polar Bear

What do I hate more than anything?  Being cold.  But, I promised to be a little crazy for my 30 for 30.

So, what made me do this?

I'll back up for a minute.  Many northern cities have a "polar bear club."  This is a group of people who get together and dunk themselves in the frigid water in January or February to raise money for charity.  

This year, the long beach polar bear club met today...

So, although I am more of a tropical rain forest animal like a snake or a toucan, I joined the polar bears today for a dunk in the Atlantic.

We took a pre-soak picture and took off....

My feet became numb almost immediately.  Then my thighs began burning.  As a wave washed over my shoulders, I lost my breath for a second.  That water is COLD!

I definitely felt invigorated!  I didn't even need to put my coat on right away until I realized that I had lost all feeling in my extremities.  

 Mike took off and went back in 3 times.

I'm actually quite proud of myself for this one.  I am the person who goes into this ocean in a wet suit in the summer.  I wear layers upon layers of sweaters in 60 degree weather.  I don't drink ice in my water.  I complain when the air conditioning is blowing on me.

But you know what?  I went into the ocean in February!  Boo-yah!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #14 - Do you Believe... life after love...after love...after love....

are the lyrics to one of my favorite Cher songs.  They are also the lyrics to a song Thomas and I decided we would sing at a karaoke bar.

We jumped up on stage and the music started.  We started flailing our arms and spinning our heads...we were dancing hard.  But then, it was time to sing.  We froze.  A few noises came out of my mouth and then I just started to laugh from embarrassment.  Tina jumped on stage, grabbed the mic, and saved us.

Yes, I'm kind of a ham.  Yes, I like singing.  But, being alone on a stage with a mic scares the poop out of me.

A lot of you have probably been to karaoke places with me before and know that I love it.  But, I really only like "background" singing.  If I can be the low harmony or belt behind music so loud that no one can really hear me anyway, I am very happy.  Having a mic and being alone in front of strangers is something I've never actually been able to do.

I have all kinds of excuses: "I can sing on key but my voice sounds bad"; "I have too small of a range"; "My voice cracks."  Time to suck it up and do it!

My initial plan was to sing my favorite, "If I could turn back time."  Mike suggested that I practice so we pulled up a karaoke version on youtube.  As I began singing to him, he cringed.  I tried another Cher song, "Strong enough."  Still a no.  I was beginning to realize that I was about to humiliate myself badly.  We ran through about 5 more songs until we found one.

At a dive karaoke bar in Chinatown....

I have no idea who the random guy was that decided to interpretive dance as I was singing, but he definitely made it more interesting!  Thanks to all who cheered me on!  Couldn't live without you.

Friday, February 3, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #15 - Wings!

When people in Hawaii get together to watch sports or have a potluck, typical food that shows up includes sushi, poke (chunks of raw fish and seaweed), and manapua (steamed pork buns).  It does not include Buffalo wings (at least it didn't in the 80's and 90's).

Not growing up around this type of bar food, it was only slightly unacceptable to have my very own Jessica Simpson moment my freshman year of college.  "What part of a buffalo do these wings come from?" I asked a friend who suggested ordering buffalo wings.  Recognizing my naïveté, my friend answered, "they are the little ribs under the buffalo's stomach."  I thought this was weird and suggested we get pizza instead.

Later, watching some fraternity boys stuff their face, I remarked, "little buffalo ribs are gross."  After the group stopped laughing, the entire story of the Buffalo wing was explained.  I now understood that it was actually chicken cooked in sauce made from Buffalo, NY.

My humiliation did not stop there.  Shortly after this, we had a nice dinner with a bunch of friends and their parents during parent visitation weekend.  I saw buffalo loaf on the menu (whaddya know!  They still serve it!

As I ordered, I proudly announced to the table that I knew I was actually ordering a chicken loaf.  The waiter paused then told me that it was, in fact, buffalo in the meat loaf.  This didn't deter me - I couldn't be tricked again!  I launched into the story that I had learned about the sauce from upstate NY.  Again, I had an entire table laughing at me.  I was too embarrassed to change my order and loved the buffalo.  It has been my burger preference ever since.

However, the entire ordeal has never been revisited on the buffalo wing side.  It's partially the residual embarrassment (I pride myself on knowing a lot about food), and partially the fact that wings look absolutely disgusting.  I don't even really like chicken in the first place - skin and other pieces... blech.

So, today I decided to try my first Buffalo wing.  Since this is 30 for 30, what better way to try something new than to pledge to eat 30.  That's right.  I decided I to eat 30 Buffalo wings.

3 trays of 30....1/3 of these were mine!  (Cajun, Buffalo, and BBQ)

I started off strong with a sample of each type.  I recall actually liking them as I first tried them.  Since the response from people was generally disbelief, "you can't eat 30 wings!" I decided to make it interesting.  I asked for pledges per wing, 100% of which would be donated to charity.

Eighteen of my coworkers pledged between 50 cents and $3 per wing.  The deal was, they would only pay if I finished the entire 30.  The pledge count reached $630!  I knew that was a lot of money for the homeless and it all depended on my ability to eat...

So, I ate...

Still felt OK after 10...

And, I ate...

I did NOT feel good after 20 wings.  I really thought about quitting but I pushed through and an hour and 20 min after I began...

I was on my last wing...

I did not want to swallow.  But, I finally did it!!

30 wings for $630 towards assisting the homeless in New York!  I ate my first and probably last wing tonight, but it was so worth it.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #16 - Coffee Break

A lot of my 30 for 30 has been an attempt to bring joy to random strangers.  I enjoy getting reactions from people - even if they're mean, it's still interesting.  So, my plan for today was yet another stranger interaction.  I was going to buy $30 worth of Starbucks coffee for whomever was in line at Starbucks.

As I was planning, a secretary walked by and mentioned how much she enjoyed hearing all that I was doing for 30 for 30.  I then realized something I sometimes forget - and a lot of us forget - we should take every opportunity to support the people around us.

We usually remember to do nice things for ourselves.  Then we do nice things for those who are closest to us, like our family and friends.  Then we often look to charity or strangers when trying to do things for the world.  But, there are people all around us who make a difference in our every day lives.  They deserve the love too!

So, my mission for today changed.  Instead of supporting some stranger's caffeine habit, I bought coffee for all of the secretaries on my floor.

I secretly got the 10 coffee orders and ran to pick them up.

As I walked around to pass out the drinks, I was called the "Starbucks Fairy."  It seems that at 3pm, a caramel macchiato or skinny vanilla latte is exactly what people need.  I even saved someone who was on her way to the vending machine for some candy.

Although I can't buy the whole world coffee every day at 3, I can remember to thank the people who make my life easier or more interesting.  And a little mocha every now and then doesn't hurt.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

30 for 30 Countdown #17 - TODAY

My early morning routine consists of my getting ready while watching the Today show.  I listen to Matt and Anne and Al as I am brushing my teeth and getting dressed.

Today, some of you watched me on this show as you were getting ready!

We got up at 5 to make sure we were the first ones in line to get on the show!  We hurried in with my poster in a plastic bag.  I, of course, made it with washable markers...not a smart idea since it was raining (you can see the effects).

We stood next to someone who is quite a celebrity himself - Lenny.  Lenny is a staple of the Today show and has been every day for the last 20 years.  If you look, you'll definitely see him standing in the crowd every day.  People seemed more excited to get a picture with him than with the anchors!

The neon pink "30 for 30  #17: Today Show" made its way into quite a few audience pans early in the morning.  I parked myself right in front and pasted a smile on my face.  We were devastated to hear Al Roker was in D.C. this week!  There would be no one to interview us and wish me happy birthday!
(picture taken of actual TV)

That didn't stop us from living up every possible moment on air!  Brad Pitt was interviewed with Jonah Hill for the first time ever on the show.  Of course, the most interesting part is me and Mike jumping around in the background.

I think he really liked my kissy face at him!  You can watch the full interview (Mike and I are in about 90% of it) here  Lots of 30 to 30 action in the background!  Best moments are at 10:07 (a real kiss!); 3:55; and 5:34 (in the far right corner).

I was slightly better behaved as Matt and Anne were talking.  I sat there with my sign and my smile.  After the segment, we got to chat with Matt and he totally remembered me from the flight last week!

Just as I was about to leave - satisfied with my amount of airtime - I was approached by a woman asking if I was a fan of Kathie Lee and Hoda.  Since the answer is "of course," she signed me up to be on a segment called "who knew."

That's right!  I won $100 and was wished a happy birthday by Kathie Lee herself!!!  If you want to see the full segment, it's here

Today I learned that it's sometimes worth it to wake up before 5am (even with a little drizzle), Brad Pitt is still pretty cute, and even if you think you missed your chance at something, a better opportunity might just come along in the 4th hour!

Thanks, Today!